Saturday, November 27, 2010

WIll i ever Be able to trust a Guy again?

Almost every girl i know has had their partner cheat on them at one point in there life including myself. One thing i know is that when u really love a person and are truly good to them and they cheat on you THAT SHIT HURTS... I know for me it did. I did everything right and not to toot my own horn BUT IM NOT AN UGLY GIRL... but at the end of the day i learned it dont matter how u look or how good of a chick you are, a dude is gonna do what he wants to do. My relationship ended with my daughters dad because he passed away and GOD BLESS HIS SOUL i loved him but i had my fair share of getting cheated on. I used to always evaluate myself like WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME... Until i realized its not me its HIM.... ONe day i asked him WHY DO U CHEAT ON ME and his response was i cant help it IM A MAN... SO my ? now is THIS IS WHAT MEN DO?????? my 24 years of living i have not met a single guy that was faithful... IM not saying that every guy is like that but i have yet to find that guy. Im scared to be in relationship again because i dont think that i can trust anybody. Especially from everything i have been through and from guys that try to talk to me and i know they have girlfriends. I know this is bad to think like that but I always look at the bad in a guy before i spot the good...... I know many girls can relate to this blog so i would love for some of you to comment this... thanks ladies

Monday, August 30, 2010

This post was inspired by my sis honey.... Its no secret that i have been through a lot this year. People have been there for me and I'm so happy because without all the support that i received i would have self destructed. The pain is still here but at least i can talk about it.
Here are some questions that people ask me.... and i have answered them the best way i can....

How did you find out that your daughters father died?
i got a phone call from his mom telling me well screaming that Joshua got shot... in my head i just knew it wasn't good... i then got a phone call from his brother telling me he died

How did you react to the call?
when i first got the call i started to shake.... when i got the second call i threw up and i couldn't stop... i was sick to my stomach... i fell to the floor and just laid there...

What was running through your head?
everything ... the thing i thought about the most is my daughter and how she is going to suffer the most

What was your best memory with him?
July 4Th 2009 we just spent the whole day together... we had so much fun... he took me to a bar (karaoke) and sang DIFFERENCES by ginuwine to me in front of so many people

What do you miss the most?
i miss waking up to someone who truly loved me flaws and all... i miss his unconditional love for me

How are you dealing with it now, compared to that week?
I'm sad and i cry everyday but at least now i can do normal activities... i haven't gave up on myself because i have to be strong for my daughter....

If you could tell him something what would you tell him?
I would tell him that I love him with all of my heart and that i will never try and replace him... i would tell him to please guide me and his daughter for as long as we shall live and never leave our side... I would tell him that no matter the bull shit that we have been through when he was alive that my love has never changed...

Do you remember your last memory with him?
yeah and it wasn't a good one.... we had the biggest fight and he left 2 hours later i got the worst phone call a person could get... sometimes i feel like if we would have never had that argument he would have never left and he would still be alive

What words of encouragement can you tell woman going through what you have been through?
the only thing i can tell them is i know it may not seem like it but life truly does go on... and GOD takes things out of your life to make room for better....

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How i get my Glow

Hello beautiful ladies,
well i always get asked about what products I use on my skin SO I think its only right i blog about it. First and foremost i want to say everyone is different so what might work for me might not work for you. It dosent hurt to try!
Before applying anything to my face I make sure it is CLEAN! Once I acheieved that I used a tinted mositurizer by Benifit called "You Rebel" (they have 2 kinds LIGHT and DARK you choose according to which matches your complexion better)This runs about $30 in Sephora but the tube lasts a long time. I apply it once wait a minute then i always apply a second coat (for coverage). I let my face dry for about another minute . then i put some concealer also by Benifit called "Erase it" its also a highlighter so thats a plus.. then i take a gold eyeshadow and place it in the corner of my eye near the top of my nose and on the eyebrow bone to bring out my eyes.... i always put black eyeliner on by Wet n Wild waterproof the best and its only $3.... then i apply my masacra MAC studio fix black .....for the extra glow i put on Mac Skin Finish bronzer (GLobal Glow but this has been discontinued and renamed Soft and Gentle) I apply it on my cheek bones for that summer glow that I love.... then for the lips depending on my mood i put a nude lipstick by Mac or if I wanna be funky Ill put a color with some clear gloss on top.

The products that i have listed are a little pricey but they work and they last so thats the best thing about it..... So enjoy and i hope this works for you

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cute bags cute prices

Hello ladiessss and gents,
Like everyone I love designer bags (Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Chanel just to
name a few)but i hate the designer prices. Well i have found that you can get these bags at cheaper prices with one little catch.... They are PRE OWNED and ladies don't nobody gotta know that but you. Websites like WWW.ETSY.COM and WWW.BONANZLE.COM offer pre owned designer bags at such reasonable prices... (with Etsy make sure when u search for something you click the tab that says handmade and put it to vintage or else it will show u handmade and im pretty sure you dont want that) also the good part is you dont have to bid on anything. I personally love these sites and order many of my bags from them.... for the most part most of the bags are real and if they aren't the buyer will tell you. This is a little secret that you should know so dont tell to many people lol... good luck ladies and shop smart.

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Heyyy everyone.... I decided to start a blog because it seems a lot of people enjoy my advice (HAPPY FACE).... So i would love for u guys to give me some topics to talk about....